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So, what is a Full Up Power Pack (FUPP)? A power pack consists of a mated engine & transmission in the form of an engine package. “Mated” means the engine and transmission are connected together to function as one entity as they will when installed in the vehicle; this combined unit is a FUPP. In addition to this, it is sometimes applicable to attach a transfer case to the back of the transmission or other drivetrain components. We have had recent experience with MK48s, HEMTTs, HMMWVs, M939s, MTVRs, M113A3s, and FMTVs.
Did you know…?
How difficult it is to install an engine and transmission into a vehicle and THEN get them to work together? What’s great about FUPP’s is that we give our customers a chance to save money on these expensive and complex assemblies. A power pack assembled by MTP means that after the engine and transmission have been rebuilt, they will be mated together. MTP will manage the supply chain and testing requirements for all bolt-on accessories to include the generator, starter, wiring harnesses, hoses, compressor, and all supporting brackets. MTP Drivetrain Services ensures that with every power pack purchase, our military customers get the most reliable, “drop-in-ready” drivetrain.
Our experienced technicians are able to provide our customers with top-notch quality, “ready to install” power packs. For every power pack, our customers can expect to see new components such as hoses and sensors as well as rebuilt aggregates such as starters and generators. At the same time, MTP Drivetrain Services provides a comprehensive 12 month warranty on all components.
For an inclusive look at what we cover, should anything fail to work as intended, take a look at the items below.
Should any of the above mentioned parts fail, please send the defective item to our main production facility in Many, Louisiana so that we can analyze the problem and fix it free of charge. Any non-warranted items shipped to us are subject to charge for re-manufacturing /replacement.
Our power packs best serve the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Army and any other branch of the military where tactical vehicles are present. We work to provide you with the most affordable, best performing, and longest lasting mated engines & transmissions possible. Why look anywhere else for your needs when we will cover them for you and go above and beyond to keep our soldiers on the move?